To Clara Barton (click on song title to hear MP3 music clip)
© Jennie Avila

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Give our thanks to Clara Barton
Give our thanks to Clara Barton
Give our thanks to Clara

1: He said "It's no place for a woman"
She said "It's no place for a man
Load the wagon. We'll out flank them
Following the cannon with a healing hand

CHORUS 1: With a healing hand, Sir please deliver
Our donations, if you can find her
Old socks and blankets are in the carton
Give our thanks to Clara Barton

2: One box containing our old pieces
16 Arm Slings, Milk in one can
One pair of Sheets, 21 Handkerchiefs
Are useful to a woman with a healing hand

CHORUS 2: With a healing hand, Sir please deliver
Our donations, if you can find her
She's on the front lines, you can be certain
Give our thanks to Clara Barton

