Warrior spirit and the Keeper of the Bones
(click on song title to hear MP3 music clip)
© Jennie Avila

<< Photo: Jennie singing at Antietam Battlefield with Bloody Lane in the background on her right.
"Warrior Spirit and The Keeper of The Bones" was inspired by Jennie's first visit to the annual Antietam Battle Field Fourth of July celebration. After the event, 35,000 people hiked out of the battlefield in the dark. Car headlights sifted eerily through firework and cannon smoke. Occasionally a reenactor wandered by, dressed in Confederate or Union uniform. The thousands of celebrants carrying picnic gear reminded Jennie of the soldiers who had marched down that road in the 1860's. A Confederate private appeared to her left, in the mist, walking next to a family dressed in shorts and t-shirts. Jennie turned away to tell her partner about the Confederate apparition. He replied, "There is a Union soldier also". When Jennie looked back, they had both vanished. Thus began the composition of a Civil War ghost story.
*Special Thanks to Dennis and Judy Cook of Laurel, MD for research assistance and attention to detail during the first stages of the recording of this song! Judy Cook performs authentic Civil War era songs:
Antietam National Battlefield - Salute to Independence
For more information on Bloody Lane and the Antietam Battlefield: